
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Learn about how we need to reimagine our cities and communities for a sustainable future.

Duration : 60 mins     Max Size : 500     Destination : Nairobi, Kibera, Amsterdam  

Category : Climate Change     Recommended For : K12 Schools, Higher Education, Corporates

Subject :  


Welcome to our one-hour virtual session dedicated to exploring sustainable cities and communities. Join us as we delve into the challenges and solutions shaping urban areas, from Nairobi, Kenya, to Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Our journey commences in Nairobi, a city undergoing rapid urbanization. With over 4.3 billion people residing in cities today and projections estimating 6.7 billion by 2050, Nairobi exemplifies the challenges of unchecked growth: congested streets, pollution, and diminishing green spaces. Here, we'll also shed light on the significant contribution of cities to greenhouse gas emissions, a critical aspect of the climate crisis.

Venturing further, we'll visit Kibera, Africa's largest slum, where residents confront the harsh realities of climate change amidst urban poverty. Through this lens, we'll gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between urban development and environmental degradation.

Transitioning to Amsterdam, we'll explore Schoon Schip, a pioneering floating community at the forefront of sustainability. Nestled within Amsterdam's canals, Schoon Schip serves as a beacon of eco-friendly urban living, showcasing innovative solutions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and promote resilience in the face of climate change.

Throughout this session, we'll highlight the pivotal role of cities in global greenhouse gas emissions, emphasizing the urgency of implementing sustainable practices to curb climate change. By examining real-world examples and discussing actionable solutions, we aim to inspire individuals and communities to champion sustainability in urban development.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we traverse continents and explore diverse landscapes, from Nairobi's bustling streets to Amsterdam's innovative waterfront. Together, let's envision and work towards a future where cities thrive in harmony with the environment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering sustainable communities.

Your Presenter

  Globe From Home Team

This program is organised by Globe From Home.

How it works

This session is designed for school students (ages 8 and above) and is part of Globe From Home's more comprehensive 'Planetary Citizenship Program'. Schools can choose to book this as an individual session or contact us to enquire about the complete program. Schools can contact Globe From Home to schedule a date and time for the session (subject to availability). Once a date and time are confirmed, we will send out the access link for the session. Students can enjoy the session collectively from their classrooms or using individual mobile enabled devices.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact Globe From Home.

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