
Discover family culture in China

A live interaction with a warm and welcoming family native to China, in Mandarin to discover the local culture.

Duration : 60 mins     Max Size : 500     Destination : China  

Category : Global Cultures     Recommended For : Languages

Subject :  


In your quest to learn Mandarin, there will be many circumstances where you will need to be acquainted with Chinese culture and traditions. There’s no better informal setting to understand what values the people hold and what cultural aspects are important to them, than through an interaction with a Chinese family. Through this session, we connect students of Mandarin with a native family allowing them to meet, greet and get to know each other. 

Family, as with many other cultures around the world, has high significance in the Chinese culture. Even Confucius, the famous Chinese philosopher, had advocated care and honour of the family as one of the most important qualities when he spoke about the ‘five major relationships’ for a Chinese individual. In this session, children have the unique opportunity of learning about family structure in a typical Chinese household, and how it is still common for many generations of the family to be living together under the same roof. 

Here’s your chance to exchange a few greetings that you would have learned, with a welcoming family native to China. You will certainly get an insight into their daily lives as well as hear about the common traditions or rituals they follow. Feel free to ask a few questions to your host family, in Mandarin for your chance to practise your speaking skills. 

During this 60-minute interaction with the local Chinese family, students will thoroughly enjoy being in the company of a warm and friendly family. At the end of it, they will soon be at ease to strike a conversation with other Chinese people and at the same time, gain a personal insight into life in China.

Your Presenter

  Liu Ping

Liu Ping reflects the true spirit of China's dynamic growth as someone who worked in phosphorous mines as a teenager and then educated herself to become a teacher, an english language interpreter and eventually an entrepreneur. A global speaker, Liu is passionate about showcasing the real China to the rest of the world. Liu lives in Beijing and is the author of 'My Chinese Dream-From Red Guards to CEO'.

How it works

Once you book this experience, we will send you a confirmation email with a link to join the session.  Students can log in from their individual classes or congregate in one single class/hall and access the tour via the link provided.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel and obtain a full refund for this session until 5 days before the date of the first session.

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