
Regenerating Rainforests - Our Carbon Sinks

Travel to the Brazilian and Ecuadorian Amazon. Learn about its importance as carbon sinks and how we can regenerate our rainforests.

Duration : 120 mins     Max Size : 500     Destination : Brazil, Ecuador  

Category : Climate Change     Recommended For : K12 Schools, Higher Education, Corporates

Subject :  


Forests cover some 10.8 Million square miles equating to 30% of the earth's terrestrial surface. Our forests have been storing carbon for centuries through photosynthesis, making them one of the biggest carbon sinks, helping to maintain a temperate climate. Today our forests are rapidly being cleared and degraded, releasing this stored carbon leading to rapid changes to the environment. (The world loses a football field of forest every six seconds). The Amazon rainforests alone house 76 billion tons of carbon and deforestation not only means a release of this carbon stock but also a destruction of its rich biodiversity.

On this highly insightful session, you will travel, live, to the heart of the Brazilian Amazon with Professor Carlos Nobre, one of the world's most eminent scientists who has been studying and protecting the rainforests for the last 40 years. You will learn about the wonders of the magical rainforests, its rich biodiversity and how it has been protecting us for centuries. You will understand the reasons for deforestation and how this is pushing the forests to a tipping point where it can turn into a Savannah. You will meet indigenous tribes who have protected the forests for more than 12000 years, learn about their rich cultures and how climate change is impacting them, and in turn, the forests. Prof. Nobre will give you an insight into a new vision for 'Amazonia 4.0' based on a nature-based economy of healthy standing forests and flowing rivers.

At the end of this session, you will take away tangible action points that you, as students or workforces, can engage in to help regenerate our forests and reduce emissions. These range from making conscious changes to our personal consumption choices and company policies. You will also be able to take part in Community Action projects which educate, transfer skills and support the indigenous tribes in the Amazon.

Your Presenter

  Globe From Home Team

This program is organised by Globe From Home.

How it works

This session is designed for school students (ages 8 and above) and is part of Globe From Home's more comprehensive 'Planetary Citizenship Program'. Schools can choose to book this as an individual session or contact us to enquire about the complete program. Schools can contact Globe From Home to schedule a date and time for the session (subject to availability). Once a date and time are confirmed, we will send out the access link for the session. Students can enjoy the session collectively from their classrooms or using individual mobile enabled devices.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact Globe From Home.

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