
Re-thinking Food & Food Waste

Learn about how our food choices, the way we have been growing food and global food waste impacts global warming, and how we can reimagine the future of food.

Duration : 120 mins     Max Size : 500     Destination : Hongkong, U.K., India  

Category : Climate Change     Recommended For : K12 Schools, Higher Education, Corporates

Subject :  


Addressing Food and Food Waste are both central to working towards our climate goals. Combined, livestock production for food, and food that gets wasted each year are responsible for 12% of emissions. A rapidly growing population also means an unprecedented demand for food. The UN estimates that the planet will require twice as much food in 2050 as we we do today. As the demand for calories grows, this adds pressure to clear more farmland leading to deforestation, in turn leading to more GHG emissions. Where, on one side we anticipate the need for double the food, Green Peace estimates that to avoid dangerous climate change we will need to reduce our meat and diary consumption by half by 2050.

On this session you will learn the direct link between our food choices and green house gas emissions. You will learn how meat based protein actually only meets 37% of our calorific needs and why there is a strong case for looking to plant based alternatives- both for our health and that of the planet's.

In this session we will travel to different parts of the world to see examples of farmers who are practising regenerative farming

Waste is another big piece of the climate change puzzle. It is estimated that around one-third of all food produced in the world is lost or wasted each year. The food we waste is responsible for 2 GT of emissions. Besides the impact on the climate it is important for us to also become aware of our food system from a sociological perspective. Some 135 million people around the globe struggle with acute hunger while another 800 million are undernourished. It is estimated that a small percentage of the food we waste globally is enough to completely solve food insecurity.

Students will learn practical ways of managing food and food waste, and how we can reimagine the future of food.

Your Presenter

  Globe From Home Team

This program is organised by Globe From Home.

How it works

This session is designed for school students (ages 8 and above) and is part of Globe From Home's more comprehensive 'Planetary Citizenship Program'. Schools can choose to book this as an individual session or contact us to enquire about the complete program. Schools can contact Globe From Home to schedule a date and time for the session (subject to availability). Once a date and time are confirmed, we will send out the access link for the session. Students can enjoy the session collectively from their classrooms or using individual mobile enabled devices.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

Please contact Globe From Home.

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