
Lean about the Jewish Holocaust : 5 Sessions

The world's first completely virtual, interactive, live streamed program to give youngsters an insight about the Jewish holocaust.

Duration : 400 mins     Max Size : 50     Destination : Poland  

Category : World History     Recommended For : Schools

Subject :  


The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, is the term for the genocide of six million European Jews during WWII.  During the dark years between 1941 and 1945, the Nazi regime and their collaborators sought to systematically eliminate the entire Jewish community in Europe. Six of the eleven million Jews perished, with most of them being murdered by death squads or in extermination camps where they were subjected to unspeakable horrors.

This represents a sinister period in the history of humanity that current and future generations need to be aware of. Yet, recent surveys indicate that more than 63% of millennials are unaware of the Holocaust and the horrors that transpired during that period. As the last generation of holocaust survivors passes, we face a real threat of the stories of these abominable times passing into oblivion. It falls upon us, therefore, to keep the stories and lessons from the Holocaust alive for future generations.

Globe From Home presents the world’s first live-streamed, interactive, virtual Holocaust orientation tour program. As a virtual module that can be accessed from school / home, this flexible and cost-effective program makes the subject accessible to more children.

Presented in real time from the sites in Poland where these stories unfolded, the program comprises of five 60-90 minute sessions that can be accessed over a five-day school week. Please note that none of these sessions are pre-recorded. Every session is relayed live from the site by an expert and enables students to ask questions in real time, cementing their learning.

To understand the Holocaust fully, one needs to go back to a time to the daily lives of the vibrant Jewish settlements in Eastern Europe before the war. On this program we take children to Krakow in Poland and into the heart of the rich Jewish community to learn about their lives during that time. The next sessions explore the onset of the war and how families were separated and sent off to concentration camps. Children will also learn stories of positivity on this program as they visit the site of Oskar Schindler’s factory where the German businessman hatched plans to save thousands of Jews. There are sessions that take children into the concentration camps of Auschwitz & Birkenau where they will get to learn about what happened to prisoners. They will be inspired by a session about the Warsaw Ghetto where prisoners staged an uprising. The final session involves a one-on-one interaction with a survivor of the Holocaust.

Tour Itinerary:

Session 1: A tour of Kazimierz - the Jewish district of Krakow
Duration: 90 minutes

This session will enlighten children about the history of Poland and give you a detailed insight on you the rich and vibrant Jewish community before the war. Kazimierz is situated in the heart of Krakow's Historic Centra  - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We take a stroll along Szeroka Street and learn that the Jews who resided there lived quite as normally as people across other parts of Europe. Children will be able to relate to family life and the personal stories of people.

Session 2:  Krakow's Ghetto
Duration: 90 minutes

On this session, we take you on a walk through the former ghetto area in Krakow which highlights how Jewish persecutions slowly started gaining momentum. Established with the purpose of exploiting, terrorising and persecuting Jews, this Ghetto eventually became the staging area where able young workers were separated from older, weaker adults and little children who were deported to the camps. We will learn about how Jewish families started being segregated and sent to the city’s Ghettos.

Session 3: Auschwitz-Birkenau/ Palszow Concentration Camp Tour
Duration: 120 minutes (roughly)

This is a virtual tour of the harrowing concentration camps. One of many such locations, Auschwitz was a complex of 40 extermination and concentration camps. Children will be able to see the site where Jews from all over Germany-occupied Europe were brought by freight trains and then separated to unwittingly be sent either to the gas chambers or moved to barracks where many other horrors awaited them.

Please note that subject to availability, this session will either be conducted from Auschwitz & Birkenau or from the Palszow concentration camp, which was depicted in the Oscar winning movie - Schindler’s List.


Session 4: Warsaw Ghetto uprising
Duration: 60 minutes

Warsaw saw tremendous losses during World War II. Yet there were some notable acts of incredible courage and bravery along the path, like the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which forms the subject of this live session. While we learn of the poor living conditions of those who were forced into the ghettos, we are also inspired by tales of heroism that led to the uprising.

Session 5: Interview with a survivor or a righteous gentile
Duration: 60 minutes

 In this impactful session, children will interact one-on-one with a survivor of the camps and learn about the turbulent times, first hand. This is their opportunity to comprehend how life was before the War, what the Holocaust was like and the kind of traumatic effects it left on a survivor's life post-War.

Your Presenter

  Victoria Molina

Victoria is a licensed Tour Guide who is proficient in providing tours in English, Castilian, Catalan and Italian. Victoria studied History at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and International Relations at IBEI Barcelona. She pursued an undergraduate programme at the Centre of European Studies in Krakow, a city she fell in love with, and now passionately showcases through her tours. Victoria is a licensed Tour guide at the Museum Schindler's Factory, The Eagle Pharmacy and the Gestapo Pomorska Museum.

How it works

This is a completely virtual tour with 5 live-streamed interactive sessions of approx 60-90 minutes each. They could either be taken over a whole week or adapted as per requirements. This program is ideal to implement as a Holocaust-themed week, with one session taken every day from Monday to Friday.

Once you book the tour, we will send you a Zoom link which can be used by every student. Please note that you do not have to download Zoom to access the session, and only need to follow the link on the date and time confirmed. You can access the session from your mobile, laptop or desktop.

What you need

You will need a stable internet connection and a mobile device (ideally a desktop or laptop) to stream the session.

Cancellation Policy

You can cancel and obtain a full refund for this session until 5 days before the date of the first session.

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